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  • 工业风扇不能一直开着的原因?
  • 本站编辑:杭州斯柯特机电有限公司发布日期:2022-03-15 17:30
Waste of resources, dehumidification and cooling efficiency of industrial fans are very high, and good results can be achieved in a short time. Moreover, it is recommended to turn off the industrial fan when it is not in use, such as when people get off work or eat, because it will consume excess power. It is very tense when using power in summer. Turning off the fan in time also contributes to the saving of power.
Cost consumption, cost consumption, in other words, electricity consumption. Generally, industrial fans are used in industrial production and other operation areas, and these areas use industrial power. Partners who know the situation know that industrial power is relatively expensive, and if the fan is always on, it will be very power consuming and accelerate cost consumption.
Reduce the service life. Turning on electric fans and other electrical equipment for a long time will increase the loss of equipment and make the equipment age and break down more easily and faster. However, do not switch on and off electric fans and other equipment frequently, because the voltage will increase suddenly when it is turned on, which will also reduce the service life of large industrial fans.